Christoffer Munch Andersen



FAMILIAR CLOSE UPS was shown at Gallery Franz Pedersen in 2008.

Pop Art Danish Style

The six paintings in this exhibition consist of scaled up motives of classic Danish food from a supermarket. A carton of the Danish dessert koldskål (cold buttermilk soup), Danish pastry, tinned mackerel and two pieces of thin chocolate wafers designed for putting on bread.

The paintings can be viewed as Danish pop art in the way that they deal with figurative motives taken from popular culture. The motives are chosen not only for their reference to pop culture but also for their more abstract visual qualities that stand out when studied close up. The connection to painting and its tight geometric order is clear such as in the work Golden Construction that brings out the vibrant colour codes normally ”hidden” under the bottom of cartons. The relief effect painted in waves over the surface of the canvas in the work Light and Dark Chocolate plays with the notion of monochrome painting and Op Art.